ASReml discussion list archive for May 2009 by subject
- animal model
- ASReml
- ASReml and ASReml-R 3 & 3+
- ASReml-R in Ubuntu9.04 has same problem as in 'Does ASReml-R work with R-2.9.0?'
- bivariate binomial-normal analysis
- Cullis et al general heritability in asreml-r (long)
- Does ASReml-R work with R-2.9.0?
- Estimation of Genetic Correlation reg.
- genetic correlation
- how to plot the results of a GLMM
- nesting in two class reg.
- Parameters at the boundary
- Pin file function in asreml-r package?
- Prediction with !PRESENT and !PRWTS
- SE fo constrain 'sum to zero' fixed effect
- se of variances estimated using XFA
- using 'and' in ASreml-R
- where can I get asreml-r 3.0?
- Last message date: Sat May 29 2009 - 17:09:25 EST
- Archived on: Fri Mar 19 2010 - 13:29:22 EST