Dear all,
I'm working with pre-weaning calf mortality (1=death; 0=alive).
Calf birth weight seems to be an important characteristic regarding
mortality (average optimum), and show possibility to be used as an indicator
For these reason, I want to fit a bivariate analysis, using mortality and
birth weight as traits.
Initially, I've done univariate analysis, in order of get heritability
estimates, as well as starting values for bivariate analysis.
The model I used for the bivariate analysis, regarding sire model, is as
Analise bivariada da mortalidade ONM210 PN sire model
anim !P # calf
pai !P # sire
mae !P # dam
nmae 3576 !I # dam number
with number of dams in file
idv 4 !I # dam
age class (4)
sx !I # calf
gc 68 !I #
contemporary group
onm210 !M -9 #missing = -9 # pre-weaning mortality
pn !M -9 #missing = -9 # calf birth weight
ped_mtger.dat # pedigree file
mt_to.dat !TYPEIIISS !EXTRA 50 !REPORT !ASUV #!CONTINUE #data file
onm210 pn !BIN !LOGIT ~ Trait Trait.idv !r Trait.pai !f Trait.gc
1 2 1
Trait 0 US 3.29 3.32 13.40 !GPFP # in fact, the value in .asr for "3.29" was
"1", but considering I used a logit link, I put the error as 3.29 (is that
Trait.pai 2
Trait 0 US 0.04 0.15 1.96 !GP
pai 0 AINV
and the .pin file:
F phenvar 1:3 + 4:6
F addvar 4:6 * 4
H heritA 10 7
H heritB 12 9
R phencorr 7 8 9
R gencor 4:6
.pvc file
7 phenvar 1 1.131 0.2906E-01
8 phenvar 2 3.226 0.5354E-01
9 phenvar 3 95.39 0.5863
10 addvar 4 0.2804E-01 0.1074
11 addvar 5 -0.3762 0.2141
12 addvar 6 5.337 0.8535
heritA = addvar 10/phenvar 7= 0.0248 0.0944
heritB = addvar 12/phenvar 9= 0.0560 0.0088
phencorr = phenvar /SQR[phenvar *phenvar ]= 0.3106 0.0068
gencor 2 1 = Trait 5/SQR[Trait 4*Trait 6]= -0.9725 1.8858
The program converged, but I don't know if that's the right (or better)
Should I have similar heritability values between uni and bivariate
analysis? (because they are quite different).
Is there a reason (and a way of dealing with) the high SE found in genetic
I thank all in advance for the attention and help.
Anita Schmidek
Received on Fri May 07 2009 - 09:37:32 EST
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