I followed Yuandan's suggestion to edit ~/.bash_profile and managed to
make asreml work properly.
However, the original problem remains if I load asreml under emacs.
Following Dean's suggestion, I generated asreml.conf and saved it in
/etc/ld.so.conf.d. Then I couldn't run /sbin/ldconfig, error message
was: /sbin/ldconfig.real::is not a known library type, Segmentation
fault. I guess this may indicate something wrong with my setup, but I
don't know how to fix it.
From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU] On
Behalf Of kiwi
Sent: Wednesday, 27 May 2009 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: Does ASReml-R work with R-2.9.0?
david.butler Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 7:28 pm
On behalf of Dean Diepeveen:
Xianming, others,
I have hardware with this combination of software (Ubuntu 9.04, Centos
5.3 with R2.9.0) and it works a treat.
I'm still confused. Is that saying BOTH Ubuntu and CentOS work? I have
CentOS 5.2 which allows asrem-R to work fine with R2.8.1, but not with
2.9.0 but it appears that Xianming's problem with Ubuntu 9.04 and R
2.8.1. I don't know whether Xianming has it working with any other
Check out the documentation that comes with it (ie
http://www.austatgen.org/files/software/asreml/asreml-SRinstall.html) .
I have set mine up with an asreml.conf file in the directory
/etc/ld.so.conf.d. containing the locations of the asreml libraries.
Remember to run ldconfig once done.
I see you have the luxury of having root access which I don't have.
Obviously, I also can't check to see if the problem disappears with
CentOS 5.3 but that fact might get us closer to working out how the
problem arises. With both the Fedora 8 and Mepis installations I've
checked I have root access. However, I still set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in
the user directory, so I'm still not convinced that is the issue since
they work there, even with R-2.9.0.
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Received on Thu May 27 2009 - 15:24:15 EST
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