Re: SE fo constrain 'sum to zero' fixed effect

From: vivi noviati <vivi_pmt34_at_YAHOO.COM>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 16:24:06 -0700

Dear Brian,

I am not doing any statistical test. I just want to calculate the group mean (BLUE) and I want the SE. I tried using PREDICT function, but it failed. It said "Insufficient memory".

Thank you for your response.


--- On Mon, 5/4/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: SE fo constrain 'sum to zero' fixed effect
Date: Monday, May 4, 2009, 7:56 PM

Dear all
sorry for the posting as I had not seen Arthur's response. I agree with

Many statisticians dislike  looking at such effects and consider it is

and hence my request for the example to see what the context was
Received on Wed May 05 2009 - 16:24:06 EST

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