Thanks Arthur. Now using your input data and job files, it runs but I still see that error message [Fault 1 Structure/ Factor mistmatch] when running these first two commands:
asreml -nrw64 mt 1
However, when I followed up this analysis with these commands:
asreml -nrw64 mt 2
It runs with no error message, but it does not converge. Then next I copied the mt2.rsv file into mt3.rsv, and run this command:
asreml -cnrw64 mt 3
This works perfect, reached convergence this time, the results are identical to the output files that you sent me lately "mt3.asr" So, this is intriguing. Is there any error in PATH 1 section but in PATH 2 and 3 sections?
Now, assumign that my output is correct, how do I develop my PIN file to estimate phenotypic variances, genetic variances, heritability, and genetic correlations as nicely shown for the half-sib analysis example in the User's Guide. My enclosed PIN file is basically a copy of the variance/covariance lines from mt3.asr out file.
Thank you very much.
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Received on Fri May 28 2009 - 18:25:50 EST
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