Dear all,
I'm trying to fit a model with the effect of the environment (fixed), the 2 parents of the inbreeds and their heterotic groups (random).
Here is the command line:
Recolte !BINOMIAL !LOGIT !TOTAL Plantes ~ mu Environnement,
!r GrHet1 -GrHet2 and(GrHet2),
GrHet1.Parent1 - GrHet2.Parent2 and(GrHet2.Parent2)
I'd like to retrieve the effet of the parents (I don't mind if they are Parent1 or Parent2). Of course, one parent corresponds to one heterotic group, so these factors are associated.
However, I don't know how to write the "predict" statment.
what is the good way to write this???
Thank you for answering!
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Received on Wed Oct 13 2009 - 14:30:02 EST
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