Dear Chloe,
I would write
Recolte !BINOMIAL !LOGIT !TOTAL Plantes ~ mu Environnement,
!r GrHet1 and(GrHet2) Parent1 and Parent2
predict Parent1 !present GrHet1
ASReml needs to be tricked into coding GrHet and Parent conformably.
This is easier in ASReml3 where you can use
Parent1 !A 845
Parent2 !AS Parent1
GrHet1 *
GrHet2 *
Again, the predict may not work as you hope if not all 845 parents appear as
Parent1 since ASReml will not be able to work out the link based on
Parent1 and GrHet1 for those parents that do not appear as Parent1.
You may need a second predict statement
predict Parent2 !PRESENT GrHet2
That should get you started at least.
GrHet1.Parent1 - GrHet2.Parent2 and(GrHet2.Parent2)
Arthur Gilmour
Retired Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
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