Dear Arthur
I tried what you suggested, that is to say:
Parent1 !A 845
Parent2 !AS Parent1
GrHet1 *
GrHet2 *
Plantes 1
Recolte 1
Recolte !BINOMIAL !LOGIT !TOTAL Plantes ~ mu Environnement,
!r GrHet1 and(GrHet2) Parent1 and Parent2 # "and" is like "+" ????
predict Parent1 !present GrHet1
predict Parent2 !present GrHet2
I obtained a R² between predicted and observed value of 0.78.
I expected to get 2 parts in the .pvs file (because of the 2 "predict" statments), but I get only 1 part. Why?
A lot of the predicted values in the .pvs file are the same. I don't know if I should expect that.
Moreover, I compared the .pvs of this model to the .pvs of
Recolte !BINOMIAL !LOGIT !TOTAL Plantes ~ mu Environnement,
!r Parent2 -Parent1 and(Parent1)
predict Parent1
--> Model M0
The results are poorly correlated.
Then I tried
Parent1 !A 845
Parent2 !AS Parent1
GrHet1 *
GrHet2 *
Plantes 1
Recolte 1
Recolte !BINOMIAL !LOGIT !TOTAL Plantes ~ mu Environnement,
!r GrHet1 and(GrHet2) Parent1 and(Parent2)
predict Parent1 !present GrHet1
I obtained a R² between predicted and observed value of 0.71. But the results were more consistent with M0 (whose R² is 0.76).
Have a nice day,
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Received on Thu Oct 14 2009 - 16:43:51 EST
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