Dear Arthur,
It has corrected the problem of repeated values in the .pvs file. Thank you.
I provide you the dataset and the .as file defining the 2 models I'd like to compare.
In the .as file, I think the only first predict statment is needed.
And I wonder what is the meaning of the "and" that you added between Parent1 and Parent2.
I am still compulsing the user guide to find the better way to define the second model. I would naturally write:
"!r GrHet1 and(GrHet2) Parent1 and(Parent2)
predict Parent2 !PRESENT GrHet2"
as Parent2 and GrHet2 are the base factor for "GrHet1 and(GrHet2)" and "Parent1 and(Parent2)" respectively, but this predict statment fails.
What is your opinion?
Best regards,
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Received on Fri Oct 15 2009 - 16:42:33 EST
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