Here is what surely is a very stupid question. I have done an analysis
where one factor is a fixed effect called "hr", which has 3 levels in
the data set. The model and a bit of .asr and .pvs output is given
below, so you can see that the data summary indicates 3 levels for this
factor and the means for this factor have 3 levels. The ANOVA output is
troubling, however, because the F-test for hr has 3 NUMERATOR df instead
of the 2 I expect. The male and female terms each have 2 levels and 1
df, and the hr*male and hr*female interactions correctly have 2
numerator df. But the hr*male*female has 3 rather than 2, unexpectedly.
Otherwise the output looks fine. I thought that perhaps the several
random term variance components going to zero may contribute to the
problem, but dropping them leads to the same result.
So, I must be doing something very stupid, but cannot figure it out!
!Path 2
tuberize ~ hr female male hr.male hr.female hr.male.female,
!r trial trial.male trial.female trial.male.female,
clone.male.female trial.clone.male.female hr.clone.male.female
predict hr
Model term Size #miss #zero MinNon0 Mean MaxNon0
1 fam 4 0 0 1 2.5079 4
2 clone 504 0 0 1 252.8171 504
3 female 2 0 0 1 1.4993 2
4 male 2 0 0 1 1.5093 2
6 rep 3 0 0 1 2.0004 3
7 hr 3 0 0 1 1.9731 3
8 trial 2 0 0 1 1.4695 2
9 hr_trial 6 0 0 1 3.3815 6
10 code 24 0 0 1 12.0339 24
12 LogL=-1502.61 S2= 0.30679 8140 df
Source Model terms Gamma Component Comp/SE % C
trial 2 2 0.274478E-06 0.842059E-07 0.00 0 B
trial.male 4 4 0.404772E-09 0.124178E-09 0.00 0 B
trial.female 4 4 0.404772E-09 0.124178E-09 0.00 0 B 6 6 0.313836 0.962804E-01 1.11 0 P
trial.male.female 8 8 0.404772E-09 0.124178E-09 0.00 0 B 12 12 0.210220E-01 0.644925E-02 0.54 0 P 12 12 0.422180E-02 0.129519E-02 0.16 0 P 18 18 0.228102E-01 0.699783E-02 2.23 0 P 24 24 0.345968E-01 0.106138E-01 1.01 0 P
clone.male.female 2016 2016 0.296399 0.909309E-01 5.82 0 P
trial.clone.male.fem 4032 4032 0.157650E-09 0.483647E-10 0.00 0 B
hr.clone.male.female 6048 6048 0.838479 0.257233 13.61 0 P 12096 0.505442 0.155062 14.81 0 P
Variance 8152 8140 1.00000 0.306785 51.34 0 P
Analysis of Variance NumDF DenDF_con F_inc F_con M P_con
7 hr 3 3.1 106.69 106.69 a 0.002
3 female 1 7.1 14.83 14.87 A 0.006
4 male 1 5.2 9.12 9.13 A 0.029
13 hr.male 2 4.0 2.13 2.13 B 0.235
14 hr.female 2 4.7 14.97 14.97 B 0.008
16 hr.male.female 3 5.9 0.09 0.09 C 0.965
Results of predict statement:
hr Predicted_Value Standard_Error Ecode
20 1.4526 0.2314 E
14 2.0116 0.2314 E
8 3.3285 0.2315 E
SED: Overall Standard Error of Difference 0.3267
Jim Holland
USDA-ARS Plant Science Research Unit
Department of Crop Science
North Carolina State University
Phone: 919-513-4198
Fax: 919-515-7959
Received on Mon Feb 08 2010 - 09:59:25 EST
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