Sorry for the delay in response. Arthur Gilmour (who the current ASReml code and normally answers these types of questions) is away until the 6th February.
It appears to be a problem in ASReml. I don't have any idea at present why it would be falling over at that particular iteration. The log-likelihood hasn't converged at that iteration, so it is not doing anything different to what it was doing in the previous iteration....
I could try to work it out before Arthur returns on Feb 6 if you could either
a) send your asreml input/data files to me at damian.collins_at_industry.nsw.gov.au
b) run the job in debug mode (and send me the output)? If you are running asreml from the dos command line, you can go
ASReml3 -el {input filename}
If your input file was test.as (say), it should create test.asl with all the debug information, which would be what you could send to me at damian.collins_at_industry.nsw.gov.au. The alternative way to do this is to add
!logfile !debug 2
to the first line of your .asr file.
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Received on Fri Jan 29 2010 - 10:13:33 EST
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