V3 problem

From: Kroon Johan <johan.kroon_at_SKOGFORSK.SE>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:11:09 +0100


What is wrong? I have installed Asreml 3.00, and have problem running a multitrait-site model as it just stops without finalizing any output (tested on 32 and 64bites computers). When using 2.00 everything seems to work fine. I get the following message in V3.00:

forrtl: severe (66): output statement overflows record, unit -5, file Internal Formatted Write
Image PC Routine Line Source
ASReml.exe 0000000140422018 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 000000014041D0F9 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Best regards,
Johan Kroon

!PART 06
! Intersite, correlations, multi-trait
!MAXIT 100 !VCC 0 !STEP 0.01 !SLOW 20
 kond30 AHjd10 Hjd30 Diam30 ~ Trait Trait.site,
 mv !r,
                             Tr.site.MOT -Tr.site.FAT and(Tr.site.FAT)

3 2 1
 6303 0 IDEN
 Trait 0 US !GPuPuuPuuuPuuuuP
 0 10
 0 1 10
 0 1 1 10
 6354 0 IDEN
 Trait 0 US !GPuPuuPuuuPuuuuP
 0 10
 0 1 10
 0 1 1 10
  6430 0 IDEN
 Trait 0 US !GPuPuuPuuuPuuuuP
 0 10
 0 1 10
 0 1 1 10

Tr.site.MOT 2
Trait.site 0 CORGH !G66u12P
0.5 0.5
0.604141 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.646245 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.406512 0.5 0.5
0.447638 0.5 0.5 0.779545 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.795731 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.827807 0.5 0.5
0.757857 0.5 0.5 0.618203 0.5 0.5 0.600485 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.491404 0.5 0.5 0.628852 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.438044 0.5 0.5 0.603353 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5

 ASReml 3.00 [01 Jan 2009] fl [ 2 Sep 2009]
Registered to: Forestry Research Institute of Sweden
Serial Number: 402082600, expiry: 30-jun-2010
 fl [ 2 Sep 2009] 30720 Mbyte Windows x64 258-60multiGxE(MOT)06
 Summary of 19087 records retained of 19087 read
 Warning: tid has more levels [ 19087] than expected [ 19081]
  Warning: Fewer levels found in FAT than specified
 Forming 26586 equations: 584 dense.
 Restarting iteration from previous solution
 Warning: Extra lines on the end of the input file are ignored from
 45 46 47
  1 -72308.02 1.00000 65728
>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Iteration complete 09:21:08 0.000
 Notice: LogL values are reported relative to a base of -70000.000
   1 LogL=-2308.02 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Iteration complete 09:21:09 1.560
   2 LogL=-2306.55 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
   3 LogL=-2304.44 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
   4 LogL=-2301.78 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
   5 LogL=-2298.69 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
   6 LogL=-2295.31 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
   7 LogL=-2291.75 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
   8 LogL=-2288.12 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
   9 LogL=-2284.52 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
  10 LogL=-2281.03 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
  11 LogL=-2277.70 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
  12 LogL=-2274.57 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
  13 LogL=-2271.68 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
  14 LogL=-2269.04 S2= 1.0000 65728 df
forrtl: severe (66): output statement overflows record, unit -5, file Internal Formatted Write
Image PC Routine Line Source
ASReml.exe 0000000140422018 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 000000014041D0F9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 00000001403EB0B6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 00000001403D12C1 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 00000001403D0AEF Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 000000014039D5E4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 00000001400B3DB4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 000000014006BBB5 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 000000014008B34B Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 00000001401874CE Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 000000014016E261 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 00000001403CC01C Unknown Unknown Unknown
ASReml.exe 0000000140363283 Unknown Unknown Unknown
kernel32.dll 000000007758F56D Unknown Unknown Unknown
ntdll.dll 00000000777C3281 Unknown Unknown Unknown
> Execution finished.
>>>> >>>>> Iteration complete 09:21:08 0.000
Received on Tue Jan 26 2010 - 14:11:09 EST

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