Dear all,
I am trying to translate the asreml-Standalone code for the example dataset Tullibigeal (unreplicated early generation variety trial - Wheat) in Asreml-R.
Here is the R code for the 4 adjusted models :
asr1 = asreml( yield ~ weed.dens , random = ~ Variety, rcov = ~ ar1(Row):id(Column), data = tullib )
asr2 = asreml( yield ~ weed.dens , random = ~ Variety, rcov = ~ ar1(Row):ar1(Column), data = tullib )
asr3 = asreml( yield ~ weed.dens + pol(Column,-1) , random = ~ Variety, rcov = ~ ar1(Row):ar1(Column), data = tullib )
asr4 = asreml( yield ~ weed.dens + pol(Column,-1) , random = ~ Variety + units, rcov = ~ ar1(Row):ar1(Column), data = tullib )
Normaly, the predictions would be:
predict.asreml( asrX, "Variety" )$prediction
but it doesn't work for asr3 and asr4.
I think the asreml-Standalone equivalent code for asr3 and asr4 is:
predict Variety Column 5.5
but I don't know how to translate it.
Someone knows?
Thanks a lot,
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Received on Fri Jan 29 2010 - 11:01:17 EST
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