Re: Consider reorganising the model

From: Arthur <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 05:28:23 +0000

Dear Tracy,

I suspect you are using ASReml 3 and haveuncovered a bug.

I will attempt to resolve the problem ASAP but in the meanwhile

There are two ways to overcome the problem.

1) Run the pinfile from within the .as job by inserting the lines

F Phenovar 1+2

H heritability 1 3

(including a blank line ) at the end of the .as file

run from the command file using the form

ASReml -poutbred.asr

I apologise this bug got through.

If this doesn't solve the problem, please get back to me.

Arthur Gilmour

Retired Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)

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