I have successfully run a random regression model fitting legendre polynomials of order 1 for both random effects of sire and cow(permanent environmental effect). However, when I use the same model layout for legendre polynomial of order 2 for both random effects I have the message to consider reorganising the model.
I have tried fitting sire as order 2 and the permanent environmental effect as order 1 but I get the same comment of considering reorganising the model.
The starting values are taken from the previous analysis with random effects fitted with legendre polynomials of order 1, and I have tried different analyses changing parameters to be fixed, unbounded, and positive, but I keep getting the same error message.
I wondered if anyone could suggest what I can do.
Thanks, Tracey
Sire 1654 !P
Cow 43952 !I
Lactation 3
HTD 193060 !I
SeasonSubClass 151 !I
DIM !-154.5 !/150
CalvingYear 13 !I
lnSCC !=SCC1000 !^0 !M0
SCC_SireData_AllLact_07102009.dat !CSV !MAXIT 300 !STEP 0.001 !MVREMOVE
lnSCC ~ mu leg(DIM,4).Lactation SeasonSubClass CalvingYear,
!r leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Sire leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Cow,
!f HTD #mv
12 1 2
26688 0 0 !s2=0.999152 #lactation 1 dim 4 to 24
34017 0 0 !s2=0.633912 #lactation 1 dim 25 to 49
279948 0 0 !s2=0.398534 #lactation 1 dim 50 to 249
71752 0 0 !s2=0.320376 #lactation 1 dim 250 to 305
27272 0 0 !s2=1.04453 #lactation 2 dim 4 to 24
34546 0 0 !s2=0.771882 #lactation 2 dim 25 to 49
280210 0 0 !s2=0.443768 #lactation 2 dim 50 to 249
71632 0 0 !s2=0.289394 #lactation 2 dim 250 to 305
26964 0 0 !s2=1.19397 #lactation 3 dim 4 to 24
33975 0 0 !s2=0.864685 #1actation 3 dim 25 to 49
270069 0 0 !s2=0.502304 #lactation 3 dim 50 to 249
63271 0 0 !s2=0.313208 #lactation 3 dim 250 to 305
9 0 US !GP #!GU #!+45
0.0291059 0.0466367
0.0 0.0 0.01
0.0289319 0.0481556 0.0 0.0562011
0.00159064 0.00496842 0.01 0.00297813 0.00460538
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01
-0.00172770 0.000306669 0.0 -0.00210902 0.00292977 0.0 0.00806909
-0.000717143 0.00131430 0.0 -0.000618479 0.00144014 0.0 0.00827325 0.0102263
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01
Sire 0 AINV
9 0 US !GP #!GU !+45
0.258720 0.866191
0.0 0.0 0.01
0.234040 0.446013 0.0 1.09465
0.00968714 0.0395773 0.0 0.0275260 0.117216
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01
-0.0130884 -0.0642843 0.0 0.0152998 0.01644203 0.0 0.180386
-0.0219540 -0.0223845 0.0 -0.107697 0.0118643 0.0 0.0489351 0.224197
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01
Cow 0 0
parts of the asr file
Sire 1654 !P
Cow 43952 !I
HTD 193060 !I
SeasonSubClass 151 !I
DIM !-154.5 !/150
CalvingYear 13 !I
SCC1000 !M0
lnSCC !=SCC1000 !^0 !M0
Reading pedigree file SCC_Pedigree_07102009.ped : skipping 0 lines
Using an adapted version of Meuwissen & Luo GSE 1992 305-313: Specify !METHOD 1 for column method.
PEDIGREE [SCC_Pedigree_07102009.ped ] has 5789 identities, 18805 Non zero elements
Reading SCC_SireData_AllLact_07102009.dat FREE FORMAT skipping 0 lines
Univariate analysis of lnSCC
Using 1220344 records of 1229522 read
Notice: Model term leg(DIM,4) is not the same term as leg(DIM,2) but may be
equivalent. Check the knot points reported in the .res file
Model term Size #miss #zero MinNon0 Mean MaxNon0
1 Sire !P 5789 0 0 2770. 4967. 5789.
2 Cow 43952 0 0 1 21870.3217 43952
3 Lactation 3 0 0 1 1.9851 3
4 HTD 193060 0 0 1 78133.0359 193060
5 SeasonSubClass 151 0 0 1 45.6440 151
6 DIM 0 0 -1.003 -0.1367E-01 1.003
7 CalvingYear 13 0 0 1 4.8086 13
8 Het1 0648943 0.3000E-01 6.951 100.0
9 Recomb1 0509660 0.3000E-01 6.697 50.02
10 SCC 0 0 1.000 159.0 0.2311E+05
11 SCC1000 0 0 1000. 0.1590E+06 0.2311E+08
12 lnSCC Variate 0 0 6.908 11.14 16.96
13 mu 1
14 leg(DIM,4) 5 0 0 -1.003 -.1367E-01 1.003
15 leg(DIM,4).Lactation 15 14 leg(DIM,4): 5 3 Lactation : 3
16 leg(DIM,2) 3 0 0 -1.003 -.1367E-01 1.003
17 Lactation.Sire 17367 3 Lactatio: 3 1 Sire : 5789
18 leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Si 52101 16 leg(DIM,: 3 17 Lactation.Sire :17367
19 Lactation.Cow 131856 3 Lactatio: 3 2 Cow :43952
20 leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Co395568 16 leg(DIM,: 3 19 Lactation.Cow :*****
26688 identity
26688 units in section 1; initial variance 0.99915
34017 identity
34017 units in section 2; initial variance 0.63391
279948 identity
279948 units in section 3; initial variance 0.39853
71752 identity
71752 units in section 4; initial variance 0.32038
27272 identity
27272 units in section 5; initial variance 1.0445
34546 identity
34546 units in section 6; initial variance 0.77188
280210 identity
280210 units in section 7; initial variance 0.44377
71632 identity
71632 units in section 8; initial variance 0.28939
26964 identity
26964 units in section 9; initial variance 1.1940
33975 identity
33975 units in section 10; initial variance 0.86469
270069 identity
270069 units in section 11; initial variance 0.50230
63271 identity
63271 units in section 12; initial variance 0.31321
Warning: US matrix was not positive definite: MODIFIED
9 UnStructure 0.0298 0.0131 0.0466 0.0045 0.0045 0.0100
0.0131 0.0217 0.0045 0.0562 0.0007 0.0022 0.0045 0.0013
0.0046 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0100 -0.0008
0.0001 0.0045 -0.0010 0.0013 0.0045 0.0081 -0.0003 0.0006
0.0045 -0.0003 0.0006 0.0045 0.0037 0.0102 0.0045 0.0045
0.0045 0.0045 0.0045 0.0045 0.0045 0.0045 0.0100
5789 Ainverse
Structure for leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Sire has 52101 levels defined
Warning: leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Sire is a 3 x 17367 interaction.
Are you sure the G structure matches it? 9 x 5789
Lactation.Sire is a 3 x 5789 interaction.
Warning: US matrix was not positive definite: MODIFIED
9 UnStructure 0.7515 0.2561 0.8662 0.0099 0.0099 0.0100
0.2317 0.4416 0.0099 1.0947 0.0096 0.0392 0.0099 0.0273
0.1172 0.0099 0.0099 0.0098 0.0099 0.0099 0.0100 -0.0130
-0.0636 0.0099 0.0151 0.0163 0.0099 0.1804 -0.0217 -0.0222
0.0099 -0.1066 0.0117 0.0099 0.0484 0.2242 0.0099 0.0099
0.0099 0.0099 0.0099 0.0099 0.0099 0.0099 0.0099
43952 identity
Structure for leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Cow has 395568 levels defined
Warning: leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Cow is a 3 x131856 interaction.
Are you sure the G structure matches it? 9 x 43952 ( = 395568)
Lactation.Cow is a 3 x 43952 interaction.
Forming 640909 equations: 180 dense.
Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.001
Notice: LogL values are reported relative to a base of -580000.00
** Notice **: Rscore: ASReml prefers I x US R structures for MultiVariate data 6 2
1 LogL=-8262.56 S2= 1.0000 1027373 df
Warning: - The estimation was ABORTED because a fault occured.
The following results are probably partly wrong
but are printed to help you locate possible causes
The Standard Errors of variance components and solutions
and derived quantities are probably wrong.
Use the DL command line options to get details in the .asl file.
Rerun using !MAXIT to stop the job earlier
to get correct standard errors.
Analysis of Variance NumDF F_inc
15 leg(DIM,4).Lactation 14 1038.47
5 SeasonSubClass 149 14.26
7 CalvingYear 8 13.77
18 leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Sire 52101 effects fitted ( 18 are zero)
4 HTD 192800 effects fitted (+ 260 singular)
20 leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Cow 395568 effects fitted ( 2583 are zero)
Fault 9 Consider reorganising the model
Model specification: TERM LEVELS GAMMAS
CalvingYear 13
SeasonSubClass 151
leg(DIM,4).Lactation 15
mu 1
Lactation 3
Sire 5789
Cow 43952
leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Sire 52101
HTD 193060
leg(DIM,2).Lactation.Cow 395568
Last line read was: Record Yhat Residual Hat
20 91229522****** 512000
Finished: 06 Nov 2009 20:08:27.512 Consider reorganising the model
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Received on Thu Dec 02 2009 - 11:56:24 EST
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