Re: LogL Converged, Parameter Not Converged

From: Olori, Victor <volori_at_AVIAGEN.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 16:15:31 +0100

I would say increase you maxit value to double or treble what you use at
present if you do not like to use !continue. The point is if the maximum
number of iterations is exhausted and your parameters are still not
converged then run again with the !continue option which means in simple
language, CONTINUE from where you stopped. So yes there must be a .rsv
file present from a previous run for !continue to work.

Dr. Victor E. Olori

-----Original Message-----
From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU] On
Sent: 14 October 2009 15:12
Subject: Re: LogL Converged, Parameter Not Converged

Dear Dr Gilmour,

I am still trying to understand how this !CONTINUE works and I
apologize, if in the process, I am asking the same questions over and

It seems to me that for the qualifier !CONTINUE to work, the .rsv file
must be sitting there. Does this mean that I have to run the program
twice each time I see this message of Parameter Not Converged? If that
is the case, is there a way to tell ASREML to do this automatically.

Also, is it safe to use the outputs like the Least Squared Means
(BLUPS), standared erros of the LSM (BLUPS) etc., with this warning

Best regards,


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Received on Thu Oct 14 2009 - 16:15:31 EST

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