Dear Andre,
My response relates to how you do this in Standalone ASReml but it should point the way.
To simply test a contrast, ASReml has the qualifier
!CONTRAST gdom genotype 0.5 0.5 -1
assuming genotype codes the levels A B AB
Then you can include gdom in the model.
Maybe also define
!CONTRAST gadd genotype -1 1 0
and include both terms in the model.
Now your query discussed the predict statement.
Given that your model is as you have (based on 'genotype',
You can get ASReml to calculate the contrast (and its SE hence a t test in the fixed context) using the weights
PREDICT DPP !weight genotype 0.5 0.5 -1
This should point in the right direction.
Arthur Gilmour
Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
NSW Dept Primary Industries
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Received on Thu Feb 18 2009 - 02:10:29 EST
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