I had the following error messages when running a model with QTL effect
treated as random. I suplied loki.grm file for ASREML to read and was
prepared according to the manual. What might be the possible cause? I
copied part of the loki.grm from line 295 till 310 to give the idea what
are on the those lines as ASREML pointed line 300 on the message.
part of loki.grm
428 428 1.
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440 440 1.
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452 452 1.
Error messages:
PEDIGREE [pedig.dat ] has 2289 identities, 6720 Non zero elements
Reading loki.grm skipping 0 header lines
After 300 lines: something wrong reading loki.grm
Fault 0 Error reading loki.grm
Last line read was: loki.grm
-- Agus Susanto Department of Animal and Poultry Science Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1 Rm.128, Phone (519) 824-4120 X-58353Received on Tue Sep 14 2006 - 17:28:06 EST
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