Re: Using the and(t,r) function

From: <arthur.gilmour_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 12:24:00 +1000

Dear Christine,

Some further comments on your query:
I have pedigree data for 520 animals and would like to include paternal
and maternal gametic information in my model (pgam and mgam in the
following program, respectively). Ped.ped is my pedigree (animal, sire,
dam), GIV1 is the gametic covariance matrix for the gametes (row, column,
value), and D1 is my data file (containing animal, pgam, mgam, DYD and a
weight). Missing values are denoted as '0'. The program is as follows:
Mixed Model for BTA27
        animal !P !M0
        pgam !I
        mgam !I
        dyd !M0
        weight !M0
Ped.ped !MAKE
dyd !WT weight ~ mu !r animal pgam and(mgam,1)
0 0 2
animal 1
0 0 AINV 1.0
pgam 1
0 0 GIV1 1.0

You probably need to recode the pgam and mgam fields, unless the coding
matches the pedigree file in which case you can use !P instead of !I.
!I orders the levels of pgam independently from mgam so that it is
the effects will line up.

I would code the job as
Mixed Model for BTA27
        animal !P
        pgam 520 # or whatever the number is
        mgam 520 # or whatever the number is
        dyd !M0
        weight !M0
Ped.ped !MAKE
dyd !WT weight ~ mu !r animal giv(pgam,1) and(mgam)

!M0 on the 'animal' line will do nothing.
Other than the issue of the effects for pgam and mgam not lining up,
the coding you had is basically OK. It is not clear what has caused
ASReml to fail. Are you using a current version, or an old version?
It could be a memory problem a factor/GIV matrix mismatch or something
If you send me the .asr file, I can see better if there is any obvious

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I thank God for His mercy: Jesus Christ died for my sin,
and rose for my justification.

Arthur Gilmour PhD
Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Orange Agricultural Institute, Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA

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Received on Wed May 12 2006 - 12:24:00 EST

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