Using the and(t,r) function

From: Baes, Christine <baes_at_FBN-DUMMERSTORF.DE>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 09:54:32 +0200

I have pedigree data for 520 animals and would like to include paternal and maternal gametic information in my model (pgam and mgam in the following program, respectively). Ped.ped is my pedigree (animal, sire, dam), GIV1 is the gametic covariance matrix for the gametes (row, column, value), and D1 is my data file (containing animal, pgam, mgam, DYD and a weight). Missing values are denoted as '0'. The program is as follows:

Mixed Model for BTA27

        animal !P !M0
        pgam !I
        mgam !I
        dyd !M0
        weight !M0

Ped.ped !MAKE

dyd !WT weight ~ mu !r animal pgam and(mgam,1)

0 0 2

animal 1
0 0 AINV 1.0

pgam 1
0 0 GIV1 1.0

...and with this program I get the following error message:

 Warning: Since fault 333 occured during the last iteration results reported may be erroneous

Is what I'm trying to do even possible?
I appreciate any thoughts or comments.

Christine Baes

Christine Baes, M.Sc.(Agr)

Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals
Research Unit: Genetics and Biometrics
Forschungsinstitut für die Biologie Landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere
Forschungsbereich: Genetik und Biometrie

Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf
Tel.: 038208 / 68909
Mob.: 0176 / 2411 4336
Received on Mon May 10 2006 - 09:54:32 EST

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