Hi Sergio,
Thanks for your speedy reply. Its nice to know that someone reads what gets posted!
We're using marker QTL information, and if we have gametes which occur more than once (identical by descent), then we can't calculate a normal G inverse matrix because of the linear dependencies caused by these recurring gametes. We've renumbered our gametes, so the normal G inverse matrix with the dimensions 2n (n being the number of animals in the pedigree) calculated by AS Reml doesn't cut it anymore.
No worries though, I think we've figured it out!
Thanks for your help,
Christine Baes
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_AGRIC.NSW.GOV.AU]Im Auftrag von MVZ SERGIO I. ROMAN PONCE
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006 14:27
Betreff: Re: Using the and(t,r) function[Scanned]
hi I am Sergio Roman From Mexico.
I don´t know is this terns in your model are correct in your program. If you try to run an animal model is only necesary include !P in the ANIMAL and that all. As you say, you are trying ti include maternal and parternal effects you can include !P in both. It´s like you run ana animal model with maternal genetic effects fro growth traits
Mixed Model for BTA27
animal !P !M0
pgam !I !P
mgam !I !P
dyd !M0
weight !M0
Ped.ped !MAKE
dyd !WT weight ~ mu !r animal pgam and(mgam,1)
The model looks right but is neccesary and in the model???
0 0 2
animal 1
0 0 AINV 1.0
pgam 1
0 0 GIV1 1.0
Best wisshes,
"Baes, Christine" <baes_at_FBN-DUMMERSTORF.DE> wrote:
I have pedigree data for 520 animals and would like to incclude paternal and maternal gametic information in my model (pgam and mgam in the following program, respectively). Ped.ped is my pedigree (animal, sire, dam), GIV1 is the gametic covariance matrix for the gametes (row, column, value), and D1 is my data file (containing animal, pgam, mgam, DYD and a weight). Missing values are denoted as '0'. The program is as follows:
Mixed Model for BTA27
animal !P !M0
pgam !I
mgam !I
dyd !M0
weight !M0
Ped.ped !MAKE
dyd !WT weight ~ mu !r animal pgam and(mgam,1)
0 0 2
animal 1
0 0 AINV 1.0
pgam 1
0 0 GIV1 1.0
...and with this program I get the following error message:
Warning: Since fault 333 occured during the last iteration results reported may be erroneous
Is what I'm trying to do even possible?
I appreciate any thoughts or comments.
Christine Baes
Christine Baes, M.Sc.(Agr)
Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals
Research Unit: Genetics and Biometrics
Forschungsinstitut für die Biologie Landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere
Forschungsbereich: Genetik und Biometrie
Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2
18196 Dummerstorf
Tel.: 038208 / 68909
Mob.: 0176 / 2411 4336
Email: baes_at_fbn-dummerstorf.de
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Received on Mon May 10 2006 - 18:23:10 EST
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