Two trait animal model

From: Rami Sawalha <rami_at_BIGRED.UNL.EDU>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:47:38 -0600

Dear ASREMLers;

I am trying to run a two trait animal model. I am having trouble in fitting different fixed factors for each of the traits. I tried to specify that by using: at(Trait,1).Factor1 at(Trait,2)Factor2 in the model statement. However, I am getting an error message indicating fault in reading the model terms at(Tr,1)Factors. The program will run fine if the same factors were fitted for all traits. Any idea how to fit and specify different factors for different traits in multiple trait analyses.

The as program that I am trying to run is:


Two trt MS 02 1 and 2
 YR1 !I
 YR2 !I

MS1 MS2 ~ Trait at(Tr,1).YR1 at(Tr,2).YR2 !r Tr.ANM # !f mv
1 2 1
0 0 ID
2 0 US #.02 .02 .03 !GP
3 * 0 !GP
Tr.ANM 2
2 0 US .01 .07 .04 !GP



And the asr message I get is:

  Reading pedigree file 02_1_2.TXT : skipping 0 lines

 PEDIGREE [02_1_2.TXT ] has 1551 identities, 4558 Non zero elements


 Reading 02_1_2.TXT FREE FORMAT skipping 0 lines

 Invalid definition for model term at(Tr,1)

         1 is outside [0, 2]

 Fault 0 Error reading model factor list

  Last line read was: MS1 MS2 Trait at(Tr,1).YR1 at(Tr,2).YR2 !r Tr.ANM



Any Clue ... Thanks

Rami Sawalha

Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Received on Tue Dec 14 2004 - 10:47:38 EST

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