Running on Alpha
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Running on Alpha

Dear All:

I am wondering if anyone has experience installing/running ASREML on the Alpha?  I currently have a DEC (Compaq) 500au running Red Hat Linux 6.2 and would like to build ASREML on it.  Any experience or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

D.H. "Denny" Crews, Jr.
Research Scientist and Interim Leader
Beef Cattle Genetics
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre
5403 1st Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 4B1 Canada
403-317-2288  voice
403-382-3156  fax
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning,
and a man of understanding shall attain unto
wise counsels.                                 Proverbs 1:5

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