I need some help with specifying variance components under a multivariate
model with maternal effects. The data set does not have sufficient
information to estimate the additive-maternal covariance. So I am just
fitting dam as a second effect.
Below is a my current .as file (simplified as the random effects are the
important part at present), is this a correct specification?
Is this the same as saying:
wt0 wtw ~ Trait !r Tr.tag at(Tr,1).dam at(Tr,2).dam ?
If I decide to fit only a maternal effect to wt0, the model changes to:
wt0 wtw ~ Trait !r Tr.tag at(Tr,1).dam
How would I specify starting variance components for the dam component?
Thanks in advance for any comments,
Bruce Southey
Bivariate with maternal
tag !p # 2525 animals in pedigree
dam !p
br 6 !I
yb 6 !I
sx 2 !I
aod 4 !I
bd !-12260
wt.dat !MAXIT 1 # !CONTINUE
wt0 wtw ~ Trait !r Tr.tag Tr.dam
1 2 2 # !step 0.0001
0 0 0
Trait 0 US 0.29202 0.63988 3.0156
Tr.tag 2
Trait 0 US 0.28609 0.85243 4.6901
tag 0 0
Tr.dam 2
2 0 DIAG 0.2 4.2
dam 0 0
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