Re: verification
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Re: verification

Dear Rob,

Your job is fine.  It uses default values of the variance matrices
as starting values.  Sometimes these are not good enough and so
it is more usual for starting values to be specified. 

But if the results are in line with expectation and the LogL
has converged and there are no warning messages, then all is fine.

One check  is to restart ASREML using
   asreml -c job
   and confirm it converges to the same place.

> Hi,
> I wonder if anyone with a little more experience with ASREML could take a
> look at this model and the R and G structure specs. I am trying to estimate
> genetic correlations between two traits in an animal halfsib design, and am
> using ASREML to estimate variances and covariances. The results I get from
> an .as file such as the one below make sense to me, but I must admit I am
> not too confident that I did the right things in specifying the lines below
> the model.
> I would appreciate anyone who uses ASREML ofr similar (admittedly simple)
> types of analyses just verifying that I haven't made a huge mistake at this
> stage.
> Best,
> Rob Brooks
> ________________________________
> Estimating Genetic correlations
>  SIRE 44
>  Dam 97
>  QTA
> resareas.dat !skip1
> CHR QTA ~ Trait !r Tr.SIRE Tr.Dam 
> 1 2 2
> 0 0 0
> 2 0 US
> Tr.SIRE 2
> Trait 0 US
> SIRE 0 0
> Tr.Dam 2
> Trait 0 US
> Dam 0 0
> ___________________________
> School of Tropical Biology 
> James Cook University      
> Townsville 4811
> Queensland, Australia
> ph: +61-7-4781-4485
> fax: +61-7-4725-1570
> --
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And this is eternal life,
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   and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."  John 17: 2-3.

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