Re: verification
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Re: verification

Since this is a half-sib design, why are you fitting dams in the model?
If you have a reasonable number of full-sibs then dams should be nested within 
sire.  As you wrote it sires and dams are cross classified - 'every dam is 
mated to every sire'.

If the dams are uniquely coded then I presume ASREML will effectively treat 
dams as nested within sire if that they are actually nested.

> > 
> > I wonder if anyone with a little more experience with ASREML could take a
> > look at this model and the R and G structure specs. I am trying to estimate
> > genetic correlations between two traits in an animal halfsib design, and am
> > using ASREML to estimate variances and covariances. The results I get from
> > an .as file such as the one below make sense to me, but I must admit I am
> > not too confident that I did the right things in specifying the lines below
> > the model.
> > 
> > I would appreciate anyone who uses ASREML ofr similar (admittedly simple)
> > types of analyses just verifying that I haven't made a huge mistake at this
> > stage.
> > 
> > Best,
> > 
> > Rob Brooks
> > ________________________________
> > Estimating Genetic correlations
> >  SIRE 44
> >  Dam 97
> >  QTA
> > resareas.dat !skip1
> > CHR QTA ~ Trait !r Tr.SIRE Tr.Dam 
> > 1 2 2
> > 0 0 0
> > 2 0 US
> > Tr.SIRE 2
> > Trait 0 US
> > SIRE 0 0
> > Tr.Dam 2
> > Trait 0 US
> > Dam 0 0
> > ___________________________
> > School of Tropical Biology 
> > James Cook University      
> > Townsville 4811
> > Queensland, Australia
> > 
> > ph: +61-7-4781-4485
> > fax: +61-7-4725-1570
> > 
> >
> > 
> > --
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