syntax for bivariate model with matrix overlay

From: Andrew Callister <andrew_at_TREEHOUSECONSULTING.COM.AU>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 11:12:39 +0800

Dear all,


I am analysing seed production in a control-pollinated orchard using
stand-alone ASreml 3. Many trees were pollinated with two pollens
('pollen1' and 'pollen2') in known proportions ('proportion1' and
'proportion2'). Univariate models seem to be working well when I use matrix
overlay to accommodate the pollen sharing, for example:


capretent ~ mu age pol(age,-2) paclo health flowers !r femclone,

 pollen1.proportion1 -pollen2.proportion2 and(pollen2.proportion2), !f mv


However, I don't know how to model the matrix overlay for the bivariate
model. I have attempted the following form, which does not work:


capretent seedset ~ Tr Tr.age at(Tr,1).(pol(age,-2) paclo health flowers),

 !r Tr.femclone Tr.(pollen1.proportion1 -pollen2.proportion2


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!



Andrew Callister.
Received on Thu Feb 04 2010 - 11:12:39 EST

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