Re: By statement

From: Peter Thomson <petert_at_CAMDEN.USYD.EDU.AU>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:27:00 +1000

Hi Yoon-Sup,

In situations where you want to analyse repeated simulations (or many real data sets of the same layout), I would have to support Brian's recommendation of using ASReml-R.  That gives you all the functionality of the stand alone ASReml, but the programming capability (i.e. ability to loop across repeated simulations) within the R environment.  There are some very good resources to get you started on R if you haven't used before.  Have a look at the documentation page on the R website,



Associate Professor Peter Thomson
ReproGen - Advanced Technologies in Animal Genetics and Reproduction
Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney
Private Bag 4003 Narellan NSW 2567 (425 Werombi Road, Camden NSW 2570)

Tel: +61 2 9351 1654      Fax: +61 2 9351 1693

From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU] On Behalf Of maize92
Sent: Thursday, 20 August 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: By statement


Is there any option in ASReml-W similar to the "By" statement in proc mixed of SAS? I would want to fit a few models to a simulated data set in which
each of say 1000 simulated data is coded with id number under variable name "ID". I do not want to make 1000 seperate data sets and run the models 1000 times manually. if there's no such options available, I would like to be
advised how to go around for this type of simulation study done with ASReml. Also how to convert outputs from 1000 runs into excel or sas data table less manually.



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