Re: By statement

From: grignola <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 09:31:36 +0100

Hi Yoon,
To convert the outputs into excel my suggestion would be to use, for example, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel in Perl. It’s not user friendly, but you can, for example, generate multiple workbooks with different worksheets, etc. If you want, I can provide you some sample code.
Also, depending on the content of the file(s) you want to process, you may consider using simpler but very powerful Unix tools like sed/awk, or a combination, to create a txt file that can then be read by Excel.

Fernando Grignola

maize92 wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any option in ASReml-W similar to the "By" statement in proc mixed of SAS? I would want to fit a few models to a simulated data set in which
> each of say 1000 simulated data is coded with id number under variable name "ID". I do not want to make 1000 seperate data sets and run the models 1000 times manually. if there's no such options available, I would like to be
> advised how to go around for this type of simulation study done with ASReml. Also how to convert outputs from 1000 runs into excel or sas data table less manually.
> Thanks.
> Yoon-Sup

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