Dear sir,
Thank you so much for your brief and convincing reply. Now I understood what I wanted to. By the way, If you don’t mind I want to post another query regarding the bivariate binary traits analysis for correlation estimation.
I tried correlation estimation for two quantitative traits already, after your comprehensive suggestion.
The codes were.
id * !P
sire * !P !M0
dam * !P !M0
sex !L Male Female
birth_year 5
test_age 3
weight height
dog_data.txt !skip 1 !MAKE
dog_data.txt !skip 1 !MAXIT 100 !EXTRA 5 !FCON
weight height~Trait Trait.birth_year Trait.test_age !r
1 2 1
0 0 ID
Trait 0 US
3*0 2
Trait 0 US
id 0 ID
I go the result as well.
Now I want to carry on the same approach for bivariate binary analysis.
id * !P
sire * !P !M0
dam * !P !M0
sex !L Male Female
birth_year 5
test_age 3
dog_binary.txt !skip 1 !SORT !MAKE
dog_binary.txt !skip 1 !MAXIT 100 !EXTRA 5
emotion friendliness !BIN !LOGIT ~ Trait Trait.birth_year, Trait.test_age !r
1 2 1
0 0 ID
Trait 0 US
3*0 2
Trait 0 US
id 0 ID
But , I found problem with the message for adding !ASUV, !S2==1 for the R structure. Then, I went through one of your previous reply to Anita, dated: Friday, May 08,2009 . I did not understand variance structure values in you reply and I got that she used a combination of binary and quantitative traits in the model. But I want to do for two binary cases only. So, would you kindly help me with codes where I have done mistakes in my sample codes.
And, how the pin file will be represented?… like this?
F phenvar 1:3*3.29 + 4:6
F additive 4:6
R phencorr 7 8 9
R gencorr 4:6
Hope t have your answers soon. Thanks for your time again.
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Received on Sat Jul 24 2009 - 08:08:09 EST
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