A few typos; I have changed with a # comment
On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 03:56 -0700, Sergio I. Roman Ponce wrote:
> Dar Arthur.
> I am runnind ASREML 2.0 with a animal model.
> The program is
> ANIM !P ####
> HTD !A 52424 # Need to spcify how many you expect when >1000 all up
> YYC !A
> MMC !A
> DIM !A
> Y
> DATA.dat
> !MAXIT1000
> !r Anim ide(anim) 0.12 !F HTD # three changes
> 0 0 0
> Then the message is
> THe levels of HTD are 52424...
> What can i do?
> ---
> Mc Sergio I. Román Ponce
> Investigador Titular Campo Experimental “Valles Centrales de Oaxaca”
> Teléfonos:
> + 52 951 521 55 02
> + 52 951 204 50 30 Celular
> Correos Electrónicos:
> roman.sergio_at_inifap.gob.mx
> www.inifap.gob.mx
> --- On Thu, 7/23/09, Arthur <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK> wrote:
> From: Arthur <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
> Subject: Re: heritability estimation for binary and
> quantitative traits
> Date: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 1:32 PM
> Dear Mahood,
> In this regard, I have attached two data files,
> one for quantitative trait and another is for qualitative
> trait.
> and thereby I have attached my result files also.
> Frankly speaking, I am really confused about my next steps:
> 1. Firstly, I will really be very glad if I am assured that
> my *.as and *.pin files are right on track. i.e. for
> heritability
> estimation my codes are right in terms of the variance
> components
> I got in *.asr file and are specified in the *.pin file.
> * For body weight, the analysis is fine.
> Heritability looks reasonable; coding is fine.
> You do not need the * or !M0 on the lines
> id !P
> sire !P dam !P
> 2. Secondly, I have used those factors and their interactions
> in the model for quantitative trait (body weight) which were
> shown as highly significant ( sex [p<0.0001], birth_year
> [p<0.0001],
> test_age[p<0.0001], sex*test_age [p<0.01] using SAS proc glm
> procedure.
> - In this case if I use all this factors I get 7 singularities
> in the design matrix.
> - In contrast, if I exclude the interaction (sex*test_age)
> which is also significant,
> then, I get only 3 singularities cases. So, I am really
> confused that which model I should choose.
> The singularities are not a problem. It is just that the model
> is over parameterised.
> Analysis of Variance NumDF DenDF F_inc Prob
> 8 mu 1 108.0 24689.41 <.001
> 4 sex 1 849.7 99.17 <.001
> 5 birth_year 4 791.2 23.35 <.001
> 6 test_age 2 853.9 14.03 <.001
> 9 sex.test_age 2 836.1 3.74 0.026
> Sex has 2 levels but 1 DF,
> birthyear has 5 levels but 4 DF
> testage has 3 levels but 2 DF
> sex.testage has 6 levels but 2 DF
> Now you report different significance levels from SAS,
> but I do not think it is the same model [here you have the
> animal model]
> in any case, the first 3 are equivaalent.
> I'm not surprised sex.test_age is slightly different under the
> animal model.
> I expect you will get the same answers from ASReml as from SAS
> if you fit the same model.
> Note there is also an !FCON which will give additional
> complementary F tests.
> [ Actually, how much this differences in singularities may
> play
> a role in the model output specially when I am getting the
> convergence
> in every case. I mean, how can I deal the situation like this
> for
> inclusion or exclusion of factors /interactions?
> In that case the factor was significant
> I would leave sex.test in the fitted model though it is now
> significant at 5% not 1%.
> The coding of the binary analysis looks fine too.
> It is harder to formally test fixed effects but I would
> suggest that only the test_age regression is
> significant.
> Using an animal model for binary data generally works in the
> sense that you get an answer.
> Simulation studues though tend to suggest the answer is not
> what you might predict.
> I'e it tends to underestimate heritabiliy in simulation
> studies but is very dependent on
> da. If you give a suggestion on my query that will be really
> appreciable]
> 3. Thirdly, for the binary analysis , I used !BIN !LOGIT. In
> this regard, I would like to request you to take a glance on
> my *.asr, *.pin file for the correctness.
> - I used a conversion factor of 3.29 in the pin file for the
> variance part I got in *.asr file.
> -Do you think that this has been done correctly plotted for
> the right variance ***component ? Moreover, can I draw any
> valid conclusion on heritability estimates, for a qualitative
> trait based on binary analysis, specially from my analysis
> codes?
> For
> ______________________________________________________________
> Arthur Gilmour
> Retired Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
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-- Best Wishes, Arthur Gilmour Adjunct Professor School of Computing and Mathematics Charles Sturt University Jesus went to the synagogue in every town in Galilee to preach and drive out demons. A leper came, knelt down and said, "If you will, you can make me clean". Jesus was moved. He reached out and touched him and said "I am willing. Be clean." He was cleansed immediately. Mobile Number +61 427 227 468 Home phone +61 2 6364 3288 Skype: Arthur.Gilmour http://www.CargoVale.com.au/ASReml Travel: Brazil Jul22 - Aug 8 BR Biometrics UK Aug 10-14 ASReml workshop VSN Mumbai Aug 16-17 ASReml workshop Adelaide AAABG 27Sept to 2 Oct Brisbane Probe 29Nov to 6 Dec Bangladesh Prosihhkon 31Dec - 31 JanReceived on Fri Jul 23 2009 - 22:11:32 EST
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