Re: why use pi^2/3 replace of error variance 1 in binomial analysis?

From: Arthur Gilmour <arthur.gilmour_at_CARGOVALE.COM.AU>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 07:04:47 +1100

The PROBIT transformation maps a probability to an underlying scale
using the Standard Normal distribution which has a variance of 1.

The LOGIT transformation works in the same way, but is based on a
Logistic distribution which has a variance of pi^2/3.

Thus, with a logit link, the implicit residual variance on the
underlying scale is the variance of the logistic distribution.
This defines the scale on which the other components are estimated.

On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 16:41 +0800, luansheng wrote:
> In the p333 of asreml 3 user guide, it is about an analysis of footrot
> as a binomial variable using the logistic link. In this example, using
> pi^2/3 replace of error variance 1. I don't know the reason, anyone
> tell me? thanks!
> --
> Luan sheng
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May the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ guide and bless you.
Arthur Gilmour
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Received on Thu Apr 01 2009 - 07:04:47 EST

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