nested genotype effects

From: Craig Hardner <c.hardner_at_UQ.EDU.AU>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:32:48 +1000

Hi Folks


I am trying to run an unbalanced MET model where I have genotypes nested
within families. (This is a hybrid design with not many parents so I
don't want to implement a individual model). I have 892 genotypes in
total across 10 families. I want to get my blups for genotype within
families centred around 0 in each family

I tried Trial.Fam+Trial.Genotype bit this doesn't centre my genotype
within family blups around 0.

If I try a model with Trial.Fam+Trial.Fam.Genotype with

Trial.Fam.Genotype 2
Trial 0 Diag !+22
Fam.Genotype 0 ID

I get a 196240 effcets (22 trials*10 families *892 genotypes) for the
Trial.Fam.Genotype (instead of 19624, 22*892) and the model doesn't

I imagine I could go and code genotype 1..n for each family but is there
another way to reduce the number of effects so hopefully I get

I tried a similar model in ASreml-R and got Fault 3125 Failed forming G

Thanks for your help



Dr Craig Hardner

Research Fellow

School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences

University of Queensland

St Lucia 4067 Queensland, Australia

ph: +61 7 3346 9465

email: <>

Received on Fri Mar 26 2009 - 11:32:48 EST

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