Recoded pedigree identifier exceeds 10000

From: zentree <asremlforum_at_VSNI.CO.UK>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 23:32:49 +0000


I am fitting alternative models to a designed experiment. First fitting a 'Family' model, without trouble.

dbh.ped <- asreml(dbh ~ 1, random = ~ REP+REP:SETS+REP:PLOT+FEM,
                  data = dat[dat$Trialno == 2,])

However, when fitting the animal model asreml-R complains that :

dbh.ped <- asreml(dbh ~ 1,
                  random = ~ REP+REP:SETS+REP:PLOT+ped(TreeID),
                  data = dat[dat$Trialno == 2,],
                  ginverse = list(TreeID = pedinv))

asreml(): 3.00 Library: 3.01dv Run: Wed Mar 25 12:14:26 2009
Recoded pedigree identifier 26473 in data record 1
exceeds maximum 10000
Fault 1 Forming design matrices

I have a data set with 300,000 observations and got the inverse of the numerator relationship matrix without problems (as pedinv <- asreml.Ainverse(ped)$ginv). However, when trying to fit a subset of the data--one trial with around 8,000 trees) I get into trouble.

Sacred cows make the best hamburger—Mark Twain.

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