Dear Arthur,
Many thanks for your prompt help. After modifying .as file, the ASreml worked. However, I have noticed that the results are for part 1 only, not parts 2 and 3.
Please see the following printout.
ASReml 2.00b [01 Jul 2006] gcma pond and raceway animal studies
Build: w [ 1 Oct 2008] 32 bit
16 Jan 2009 13:40:59.967 32.00 Mbyte Windows ffpondrace1
Licensed to: CSIRO
* SYNTAX change: A/B now means A A.B *
* *
* Contact for licensing and support *
***************************************************** ARG *
Folder: C:\Data\Data\Backed Up Folder\AFT5-FFF\New Microsatellites-Industry\GCMA 2007 test\comparison\female
animal !I 576
site 4 !A
sx 1 !A
Reading ped.giv skipping 0 header lines
Inverse G structure of 576 rows having 166176 non zero cells read from ped.giv
QUALIFIER: !DOPART 1 is active
Reading ffphen1.dat FREE FORMAT skipping 1 lines
Univariate analysis of weight
Using 480 records of 576 read
Model term Size #miss #zero MinNon0 Mean MaxNon0
1 animal 576 0 0 1 240.5000 480
Warning: Fewer levels found in environ than specified
2 environ 2 0 0 1 1.0000 1
3 site 4 0 0 1 1.5104 2
Warning: Fewer levels found in sx than specified
4 sx 2 0 0 1 1.0000 1
5 weight Variate 0 0 5.700 40.91 65.10
6 mu 1
7 giv(animal,1) 576 0 0 1 240.5000 480
Forming 581 equations: 5 dense.
Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.316
Notice: Algebraic ANOVA Denominator DF calculation is not available
Numerical derivatives will be used.
** Notice **: GIV matrix not positive definite: Negative pivots 261 576
Notice: 3 singularities detected in design matrix.
1 LogL=-1564.27 S2= 152.10 478 df 0.2500 1.000
2 LogL=-1563.59 S2= 150.17 478 df 0.2848 1.000
3 LogL=-1563.07 S2= 147.98 478 df 0.3337 1.000
4 LogL=-1562.97 S2= 146.56 478 df 0.3740 1.000
5 LogL=-1562.97 S2= 146.82 478 df 0.3660 1.000
6 LogL=-1562.97 S2= 146.75 478 df 0.3680 1.000
Final parameter values 0.36750 1.0000
Approximate stratum variance decomposition
Stratum Degrees-Freedom Variance Component Coefficients
giv(animal,1) 0.00 0.00000 0.0 1.0
Residual Variance 441.23 146.766 0.0 1.0
Source Model terms Gamma Component Comp/SE % C
giv(animal,1) 576 576 0.367622 53.9544 4.56 0 P
Variance 480 478 1.00000 146.766 14.85 0 P
Analysis of Variance NumDF DenDF F_inc Prob
6 mu 1 63.5 116.43 <.001
3 site 1 461.1 0.41 0.523
Notice: The DenDF values are calculated ignoring fixed/boundary/singular
variance parameters using numerical derivatives.
Estimate Standard Error T-value T-prev
3 site
pond3 0.749537 1.16725 0.64
6 mu
1 40.7343 3.84461 10.60
7 giv(animal,1) 576 effects fitted
Finished: 16 Jan 2009 13:41:19.888 LogL Converged
Does this mean the animal orders in GIV file is not right?
Thanks in advance
Yutao Li
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Received on Sat Jan 16 2009 - 05:35:59 EST
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