Fwd: difference between asreml and asreml2

From: Stephanie Briand <Stephanie.Briand_at_GERMINAL.TOULOUSE.INRA.FR>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 14:36:28 +0200

>To: ASREML-L_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU;Carole.Moreno_at_toulouse.inra.fr
>From: Stephanie Briand <Stephanie.Briand_at_germinal.toulouse.inra.fr>
>Subject: difference between asreml and asreml2
>Dear Discussion Group Members,
>I was trying to analyze my data using ASReml2 (unix), in homogeneous and
>hererogeneous variance.
>When I used ASReml2 in heterogeneous variance for three differents
>genotypes, I never could have results (PJ: results Asreml2).
>Therefore, I tried to analyse my data using ASReml (unix), and I could
>have results (PJ: Results ASReml).
>I appreciate suggestions and comments from you.
>Best regards,
>Stéphanie Briand.

Received on Sat Aug 21 2008 - 14:36:28 EST

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