How to use predict statement with existence of genetic group?

From: Peter Adam <peter.j.adam_at_GMAIL.COM>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 01:17:11 -0700

I used the file "" from ASReml package as an example.
Appending a line "predict LINES" did not produce predicted values in
the .pvs file. After removing the genetic groups from the pedigree
file, ASReml gave me valid predicted values for LINES.

 animal !P
 sire 9 !A
ex11g.ped !ALPHA !MAKE !GROUP 3 !NEW
# ex11g_nogroup.ped !ALPHA !MAKE !NEW
AD ~ mu LINES !r animal 02.5 !GU
predict LINES

Is there any way to do prediction when genetic groups are specified? Thanks!

Peter Adam
Received on Tue Jun 15 2008 - 01:17:11 EST

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