Announcing Genetic Data Analysis Workshop using ASReml at NC State University, October 6-10, 2008

From: Fikret Isik <fisik_at_UNITY.NCSU.EDU>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 21:52:54 -0400

Dear All,

The North Carolina State University - Cooperative Tree Improvement
Program is organizing
a *Genetic Data Analysis Workshop Using ASReml* between October 6-10, 2008.

This will be a moderately advanced-level workshop.
The participants are expected to have some understanding of mixed model
theory and
some familiarity with the ASReml syntax .

We will keep the number of participants to a maximum of 20 people.

We are expecting a high demand for the workshop.
Please let me know if you are interested in attending the workshop soon,
so we can reserve a place for you.

Please forward this message to interested parties.

Here are some of the details about the workshop:

October 6 to 10, 2008 (5 days)

*Location *
North Carolina State University
Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, Raleigh, NC, USA

Early bird registration fee: $1250 USD (*deadline: August 1, 2008*)
Late registration fee: $1500
Registration fee includes workshop cost, lunches, and coffee breaks.
Contact Ms. Tori Batista-Brooks (
<>) for registration details.

A block of rooms will be reserved at Holiday Inn Brownstone Hotel in
Raleigh. The hotel is within the walking distance from the Department.
We expect that the cost per night would be around $85 USD.

Dr. Greg Dutkowski (PlantPlan Genetics Pty Ltd.)
Has extensive experience in the use and teaching of ASReml for progeny
trial analysis. Greg's doctoral work was supervised by Dr. Arthur Gilmour.
Dr. Richard Kerr *(PlantPlan Genetics Pty Ltd.)
Has many years experience in quantitative genetics of trees and animals
and was a primary developer of the TREEPLAN® genetic evaluation system
for trees.

*Tentative Program*

*Day 1*
ASReml primer, Options
Spatial analysis
User Data Analysis

*Day 2*
More complex genetic models: groups, SCA, clonal
Breeding values predictions
User Data Analysis

*Day 3*
Across-site analysis and standardization
Factor analytical models
User Data Analysis

*Day 4*
Analysis of molecular marker (SNPs) data using mixed models
Animal models
User Data Analysis

*Day 5*
Multivariate analysis
Complex variance/covariance models
User Data Analysis

We will create an email list for the workshop and include emails of
those who are interested in attending the workshop. Details of the
workshop and further announcements will be sent to the workshop email
list only.

For more information about the workshop please contact:
Dr. Fikret Isik
North Carolina State University - Cooperative Tree Improvement Program
Department of Forestry & Environmental Resources
Raleigh, NC, USA.

Phone: 1-919-513-8099

Received on Thu Jun 10 2008 - 21:52:54 EST

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