Re: error: failed while ordering equations

From: <arthur.gilmour_at_DPI.NSW.GOV.AU>
Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 09:48:00 +1000

Dear Ian,


'Ordering equations' is the step where ASReml tries to work out which
order to solve the equations.

With a pedigree of 10,000 and 700 observations, it is mainly trying to
order the relationship matrix
messed up with a vew equations with data associated.

In this case I suggest you suppress equation ordering with !EQORDER -1 on
the data line.
!EQORDER 1 might also work.

The natural order of a relationship matrix is a good order to process it
(starting from the bottom)
since the A inverse is bulit up starting at the top.

Use -DL options and look in the .asl file if you want to see approximately
how far it got
odering the equations.

NB putting 'equations' as the search criterion in the help system points
you to !EQORDER

May Jesus Christ be gracious to you in 2008,

Arthur Gilmour, His servant .
Mixed model regression mapping for QTL detection in experimental crosses.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51:3749-3764 at

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ian white <i.m.s.white_at_ED.AC.UK>
Sent by: ASReml users discussion group <ASREML-L_at_AGRIC.NSW.GOV.AU>
01/05/2008 11:10 PM
Please respond to
ASReml users discussion group <ASREML-L_at_AGRIC.NSW.GOV.AU>


error: failed while ordering equations

Dear Listers

Not come across this error message before, not in manual. The analysis
is of a single trait, approx 700 records, a few fixed effects, one
random effect for a largish pedigree (maybe 10,000 individuals).

Any ideas what might be cause?

  I White
  University of Edinburgh
  Ashworth Laboratories, West Mains Road
  Edinburgh EH9 3JT  (Tel 0131 650 5490)
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Received on Sun May 02 2008 - 09:48:00 EST

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