Dear friends:
I know from the userguide that the initial value (variance component or ratio) can be specified after the model term. I use the the following asreml file to estimate the predictions of random additive genetic effects (breeding value) . The number of 0.2628 and 0.0116 are the ratios (relative to the residual variance), respectively.
My question is that Asreml how to know these numbers are the ratios, but not the variance components?
Growth traits for chinese shrimp
animal !P
sire !P
dam !P
familynum 70 !I
tank 3
sex 2 !I
wt2007.ped !MAKE
wt200712fullsib.txt !SKIP 1 !MAXIT 1
wt ~ mu tank sex days !r animal 0.2628 ide(dam) 0.0116
Yours sincerely,
luan sheng
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences
Nanjing Road 106
Qingdao 266071
Received on Wed Oct 27 2007 - 22:07:33 EST
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