I'm exploring the use of splines with a mixed model in asreml-r
following the example of the orange tree growth for Tree 1.
Page 117 of ASREML-R manual says:
"The predictpoints argument adds the nominated points to the design
matrix for prediction purposes (Figure 8.13)."
Does this mean that I will obtain predictions at the design points AND
the predictpoints, or only at predictpoints, or something else?
Here's a simple example:
o1 <- asreml(circ ~ 1 + lin(x),
random= ~spl(x, 7),
splinepoints=list(x=c(118, 484, 664, 1004, 1231, 1372, 1582)),
data=orange, subset=Tree==1)
o.pred <- predict(o1, classify = "x", predictpoints=list(x=200))
- The cells of the hypertable are calculated from all model terms constructed
solely from factors in the averaging and classify sets.
x predicted.value standard.error est.status
1 118.0 30.76677 6.044060 Estimable
2 191.2 37.54277 5.304859 Estimable
3 264.4 44.31327 4.738176 Estimable
4 337.6 51.07276 4.357754 Estimable
5 410.8 57.81574 4.126452 Estimable
6 484.0 64.53670 3.978459 Estimable
7 557.2 71.22233 3.880751 Estimable
8 630.4 77.82801 3.849271 Estimable
9 664.0 80.81897 3.846828 Estimable
10 737.2 87.22137 3.829022 Estimable
Since I specified a prediction at x=200, I was expecting to see one
row for "x=200" in the table.
Would appreciate any clarifications of this.
Thanks, K Wright
Received on Tue Oct 26 2007 - 13:39:06 EST
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