From: Ericsson Tore <Tore.Ericsson_at_SKOGFORSK.SE>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 12:50:07 +0100

Yes Craig,
I and maybe some others hesitating before such combined-material analyses would appreciate your final AS file (model etc.) setup in order to get some good hints!
Thanks / Tore


Från: ASReml users discussion group genom Craig Hardner
Skickat: on 2007-02-28 06:35
Ämne: JOINT ANALYSIS - sorry

Dear Folks

I just put up a questions about the singularity in a model but reliase that the defintion of the PLANT term wasn't correct so coul you please ignore.

Comments about the model are still welcome

Sorry but thanks

Dr Craig Hardner
Project Leader Macadamia Improvement and Conservation
CSIRO Plant Industry
Queensland Bioscience Precinct
306 carmody Road
St lucia QLD 4067
ph: 07 3214 2659
fax: 07 3214 2920
Received on Tue Mar 02 2007 - 12:50:07 EST

This webpage is part of the ASReml-l discussion list archives 2004-2010. More information on ASReml can be found at the VSN website. This discussion list is now deprecated - please use the VSN forum for discussion on ASReml. (These online archives were generated using the hypermail package.)