Dear Fislik,
There are two issues in the job.
test 6 !I # number of locations
rep !I # blocks are nested within locations
female !I
male !I
c:\research\tip\mw\ind_2.csv !SKIP 1 !DOPART 1
height ~ mu test rep.test !r,
male and(female) test.male and(female) male.female test.male.female
predict male
First, for 'male and(female)' to correctly overlay the male design
matrix with the
female design matrix, the columns MUST correspond which means that the
ith 'male'
must be the same individual as the ith 'female'
female !I male !I
is most unlikely to achieve this (unless the initial N lines in the data
file referred to the selfing
of all N individuals)
Assuming N was 30 (26 appearing as males and 22 appearing as females)
female 20 male 20
would achieve the desired effect if the individuals are comformaby coded 1
... 30 in these feilds of data file
Otherwise, create a 'pedigree file' which lists the (30) individuals
40245 0 0
52645 0 0
and then use
female !P male !P
so they are coded comformably.
Issue 2:
The second line of the model will need to be written
male and(female),
test.male -test.female and(test.female),
male.female test.male.female
if I understand your intention.
Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Saviour Jesus Christ
Arthur Gilmour PhD (see
Principal Research Scientist (Biometrics)
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Orange Agricultural Institute, Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA
fax: 02 6391 3899; 02 6391 3922 Australia +61
telephone work: 02 6391 3815; home: 02 6364 3288; mobile: 0438 251 426
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Received on Tue Sep 28 2006 - 09:53:45 EST
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