is it too BIG?

From: Agus Susanto <asusanto_at_UOGUELPH.CA>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:23:05 -0500

Dear All,
I run a model including animal, permanent environmental and QTL as
random effects for ewe trait (lsw). Variance stucture for QTL is
obtained from LOKI program.
I run the program with -S8 option and it is succesfull for up to 2000
animals in the pedigree. If I increased the number of animals in the
pedigree, say up to 2500, then the program introduced an error message
"Fault 6 Too BIG! USe -s option". ( I use ASREML [19 Apr 2000] for my
Any comment or suggestion is appreciated.

Below is the syntax of the directive file:
Single Trait Genetic Analysis for LSW >>>>>>>>>>>>>
 animal !P
 sire !P
 dam !P
 perment !A
 qtl !P
 lsw !M0.0
 lww !M0.0
ped.tes !MAKE
dat.tes !MAXIT 500 EXTRA 10
lsw ~ mu grup parity !r animal perment qtl
1 1 3
0 0 0
animal 1
animal 0 AINV 0.3
perment 1
perment 0 IDEN 0.3
qtl 1
qtl 0 GIV1 0.2

Agus Susanto
Department of Animal and Poultry Science
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1G 2W1
Rm.128, Phone (519) 824-4120 X-58353
Received on Mon Jan 25 2006 - 12:23:05 EST

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