(no subject)

From: Andrew Swan <Andrew.Swan_at_CSIRO.AU>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 17:37:02 +1100

Hi - I have attempted to do this but it was quite tricky and the results
unsatisfactory for the data I had. You can see documentation for what I
did here:




I would certainly be interested to hear if anyone can think of a better


Regards - Andrew

Andrew Swan
CSIRO Livestock Industries
Locked Bag 1
Armidale NSW 2350
ph: 61 2 6776 1377
fax: 61 2 6776 1408
mobile: 0402 209 990
email: andrew.swan_at_csiro.au
-----Original Message-----
From: ASReml users discussion group [mailto:ASREML-L_at_AGRIC.NSW.GOV.AU]
On Behalf Of Mekonnen.HaileMariam_at_DPI.VIC.GOV.AU
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2006 4:43 PM
When analysing data fitting animal model genetic groups or phantom
parents are assumed fixed in ASREML. I want to check the solutions if I
fit genetic groups as random. One way to do that is to assume that they
are  animals. But that may not appropriate. Is there a way to fit
genetic groups as random? 
Received on Sun Jan 24 2006 - 17:37:02 EST

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