(no subject)

From: Rob Brooks <rob.brooks_at_UNSW.EDU.AU>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 16:55:26 +1000

Dear Asremlers,

I have recently moved from my old DOS version of ASREML to the newest
release and am having trouble running a simple analysis in which sire is
the only random effect. Basically it is failing to read the G structure
line, and I am bemused as this format for the G structure has always worked
for me. I must say that the specification of appropriate G structures has
always been something I have found frustrating, and am hoping that one of
you might spot an obvious mistake. It is a bivariate analysis of the traits
"devr" and "long".

Anything you spot that you would suggest I do differently, please let me
know. Many thanks


devr long ~ Trait !r Tr.Sire
1 2 1
0 0 0
Trait 0 US
Tr.Sire 2
Trait 0 US
Sire 0 0
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
The University of New South Wales
Kensington, Sydney 2052
NSW, Australia
PH: +61-2-9385-2587 FAUX: +61-2-9385-1558
Received on Wed Sep 08 2005 - 16:55:26 EST

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