Re: e'e does not estimate error variance in mixed model
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Re: e'e does not estimate error variance in mixed model

> Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 19:08:03 +1000 (GMT+1000)
> From: Vincenzo Matassa <>
> To:
> Subject: Hmmm!!!
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Dear Arthur
> 	Sorry but I need to ask.....
> Okay, say I fit a simple Mixed Model 
> 	Yield ~ mu !r genotypes
> Now shouldn't the estimate of the ERROR Variance comp. be the same as the
> variance of the Residuals.  (in the .sln file)
> i.e var(Residuals).

  NO  (except in the fixed model case)
  The residuals are  e=y-XB-Zu
  But Error SS is y'Py = y'(y-XB)
    so the SS of residuals e'e  is only the same thing
    if there are NO random effects (No u) and independent uniform errors
        [I use ^ to represent the inverse i.e.  ^{-1} in latex
    when e'e = y'(I - X(X'X)^X) (I-X(X'X)^X) y
             = y'(I - X(X'X)^X)y       since the middle term is idempotent in
                                         this case
             = y'(y-XB)
             In the more general case,
             e'e = y'(V^ - V^X(X'V^X)^X'V^)(V^ - V^X(X'V^X)^X'V^)y
             It needs to be  e'Ve  to reduce to y'(y-XB)
COnsider an example.  The midsow data has 3 reps of 23 varities.

Fitting   y ~ var  gives
    LogL=-53.2460     S2=  2.151        46 df   1.00000
    S> sum(MIDBLUE$Res ^2)
    [1] 98.929

 Fitting y ~ mu !r var  gives
 LogL=-89.1171     S2=  4.366        68 df   0.10000   1.00000
 LogL=-83.4606     S2=  3.032        68 df   0.46659   1.00000
 LogL=-81.0803     S2=  2.374        68 df   1.03988   1.00000
 LogL=-80.7901     S2=  2.179        68 df   1.40776   1.00000
 LogL=-80.7839     S2=  2.151        68 df   1.47809   1.00000
  S> sum(MIDBLUP$Res ^2)
  [1] 107.64
    The BLUE variety effects are  mu + (Yi.-3mu) / 3
    The BLUP variety effects are  mu +  (Yi.-3mu)/(3+1/1.478)
       So the devisor is changed from 3 to 3.6766
       Thus, the residuals are increased hence their increased sum of squares.
    Can we see what this increase is.
    The reduction  in variety effects is .6766/3.6766 = .184
    Squaring to the SS scale gives  .033867
    So the Variety SS will decrease by  a factor of .966133
    The FIXED variety SS can be calculated as
       22 * EMS (1 + k gamma) = 22 * 2.151 * (1 + 3x1.4781)
                              = 119.55 * 2.151
    So the e'e will increase 0.033867 * 119.55 * 2.151 = 8.709
    which is the difference in SS of residuals 107.64 -  98.93)    
    I hope this is enough to convince you that
    you cannot estimate the error variance easily from the 
    sum of squares of residuals except in the fixed model with IID errors
> Many thanks again Arthur.
> Kind Regards 
> Vince
> Vince Matassa 
> Department Of Agriculture
> University Of Queensland 
> Brisbane 4072 
> Australia

Arthur Gilmour PhD                    email:
Senior Research Scientist (Biometrics)                 fax: <61> 2 6391 3899
NSW Agriculture                                             <61> 2 6391 3922
Orange Agricultural Institute               telephone work: <61> 2 6391 3815
Forest Rd, ORANGE, 2800, AUSTRALIA                    home: <61> 2 6362 0046

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