RE: S in .asr file
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RE: S in .asr file

S means singular
There is also F for fixed  (corresponding to !GF)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:	Monday, 8 June 1998 22:47
> To:	asreml@chiswick.anprod.CSIRO.AU
> Subject:	
> Hi ASREMLers,
> The new version of ASREML gives some additional information in the
> .asr file. Beside each Compnt/Stderr value there is a letter.  It
> seems that uses P for components estimated using !GP, U for !GU and S
> for ...?
> I got the S when estimating the covariance matrix for a polynomial
> regression. Even when the program converged, I'm very suspicious about
> the estimates: the value of Compnt/Stderr was the same for all
> elements of the matrix. Does anyone have an idea what the S mean?
> Cheers,
> Luis Apiolaza
> &%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&
> Institute of Vet, Animal and Biomedical Sciences
> Massey University
> Palmerston North
> New Zealand
> &%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&