Dear ASREMLers: I am trying to obtain direct and maternal genetic effects,
forcing ASREML to use all variances to just solve the MME'S. The model is
the same as in Mrode page 102. The G matrix is [150 -40]
[-40 90]
Ve=350, Vpe=40, Vt=550 =150 + 90 -40 + 40 + 350
The model contain herd, sex, animal & maternal additive and permanent
I did use the ratios with respect to total variance Vt=550 in the
definition of G,
and pe. The input and output is below. I suspect the problem is that I did
not fixed
Ve, but maybe there are other things. Any comment is welcome!.
Thank you for any help,
Maternal model Mrode
anim !P
mat !P
pe 4
herd 3
sex 2
relm2 !MAXIT 1
y ~ herd sex !r anim mat pe .0678
0 0 1
anim 2
2 0 US .2542 -.0678 .1525
File relm2 is:
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 1 2
6 3 2
7 4 6
8 3 5
9 1 6
10 3 2
11 3 7
12 8 7
13 9 2
14 3 6
File datm2 is:
5 2 1 1 1 35
6 2 1 1 2 20
7 6 3 1 2 25
8 5 2 1 1 40
9 6 3 2 1 42
10 2 1 2 2 22
11 7 4 2 2 35
12 7 4 3 2 34
13 2 1 3 1 20
14 6 3 3 2 40
asr file is:
ASREML [16 Apr 1998] Maternal model Mrode
05/04/96 12:40:09.74 8.00 Mbyte mrodm.asr
Reading relm2 : skipping 0 lines
PEDIGREE [relm2 ] has 14 animals, 42 Non zero elements
Reading datm2 FREE FORMAT skipping 0 lines
Univariate analysis of y
Using 10 records [of 10 read from 10 lines of datm2
Model term Size Type COL Minimum Mean Maximum #zero
1 anim 14 Direct 1 5.000 9.500 14.00 0
2 mat 14 Direct 2 2.000 4.500 7.000 0
3 pe 4 Factor 3 1 2.3000 4 0
4 herd 3 Factor 4 1 1.9000 3 0
5 sex 2 Factor 5 1 1.6000 2 0
6 y 1 Variate 6 20.00 31.30 42.00 0
2 US=UnStr 0.25 -0.07 0.15
14 Ainverse
Structure of anim has 28 levels defined
Forming 38 equations: 6 dense
Initial updates will be shrunk by factor 0.548
NOTICE: 1 (more) singularities,
LogL=-18.7984 S2= 71.80 6 df 0.06780 1.00000 0.25420
-0.06780 0.15250
Likelihood evaluation failed with fault 2130
Trying again with reduced updates
LogL=-18.1454 S2= 57.93 6 df 0.04949 1.00000 0.18557
0.85135 0.11132
LogL=-14.0613 S2= 7.258 6 df 0.00495 1.00000 0.01856
5.24462 1.22457
Likelihood evaluation failed with fault 2130
Trying again with reduced updates
LogL=-10.0104 S2= 1.909 6 df 0.00361 1.00000 0.01856
5.24462 1.82335
Likelihood evaluation failed with fault 2130
Trying again with reduced updates
LogL=-5.71036 S2= 0.4572 6 df 0.00264 1.00000 0.01856
5.24462 1.97152
Fault 2130PROGRAM failed in AIDGGI
Last line read was: anim 0 0 0 0 0
6 2130 10 10 1000
y datm2
Model specification: TERM LEVELS GAMMAS
herd 3 0.00 sex 2 0.00 anim 14 0.00
mat 14 0.00 pe 4 0.00
TYPE 0 0 202 -1 5
STRUCT 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 3 9 7 3 1 0 0
14 0 -2 0 0 1 0 0
Final parameter values 0.00026 1.00000 0.01856
5.24462 2.08572
Finished: 12:40:10.01 PROGRAM failed in AIDGGI
Hugo Montaldo
Research Fellow
Division of Animal Science
University of New England
Armidale, NSW 2351
Phone 61 2 67 733978
Fax 61 2 67 733275
"Volver a los diecisiete despues
de vivir un siglo
es como descifrar signos sin ser
sabio competente"
-Violeta Parra