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I keep getting the same error message

error reading model factor list

here is the job file

 animal  400  !P
  X  Y  
  sire  5  !I
  dam  40  !I
  qtlmean sAtrans dAtrans sBtrans dBtrans
data_as.txt !VCC 1
 X Y ~ trait trait.qtlmean,
            !r trait.(sire.sAtrans dam.dAtrans),
               trait.(sire.sBtrans dam.dBtrans),
1 2 2
trait 0 US
trait.sire.sAtrans 2
trait 0 US
45 0 GIV1 0.1
trait.sire.sBtrans 2
trait 0 US
45 0 GIV2 0.1
+ 9 10

I'm pretty sure there is no problem with the 
data file, pedigree or GINV files.

here is the .asr file

  ASReml [22 Aug 2001]                                                  
 30 Nov 2000 10:15:28.933 256.00 Mbyte  MSWIN  QTsoL   

 * ASREML 2001 *********************************************
 * Jan Scale of spline and pol design matrices has changed.*
 *        This will change the components but not the fit. *
 * Feb predict syntax has changed.                         *
 ***************************************************** ARG *
   sire  5  !I                                                              
   dam  40  !I                                                              
 A-inverse retrieved from ainverse.bin
 PEDIGREE [ped_as.txt ] has      445 identities,    1285 Non zero elements
  Reading A.giv  skipping  0  header lines
 Inverse G structure of    45 rows having    1035 non zero cells read from A.giv                                                                                               
  Reading B.giv  skipping  0  header lines
 Inverse G structure of    45 rows having    1035 non zero cells read from B.giv                                                                                               
 QUALIFIERS: !VCC 1                                                      
  Reading data_as.txt  FREE FORMAT skipping  0  lines
 Fault     0  Error reading model factor list                            
  Last line read was:   X       Y        trait trait.qtlmean,             
  Currently defined structures, COLS and LEVELS
   1 animal                           1   445    -1    -1     0     1
   2 X                                1     1     1     0     1     0
   3 Y                                1     1     1     0     2     0
   4 sire                             1     5     5     0     3     0
   5 dam                              1    40    40     0     4     0
   6 qtlmean                          1     1     1     0     5     0
   7 sAtrans                          1     1     1     0     6     0
   8 dAtrans                          1     1     1     0     7     0
   9 sBtrans                          1     1     1     0     8     0
  10 dBtrans                          1     1     1     0     9     0
 QTsoL data_as.txt                           
   10 factors defined [max 500].
    0 variance parameters [max 600].   4 special structures
  Last line read was:   X       Y        trait trait.qtlmean,             
    10     0     -1     0  32000
 Finished: 30 Nov 2000 10:15:29.964    Error reading model factor list                                                

Any help appreciated

Joe Daley

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